Sunday, March 2, 2014


        This semester I am enrolled in a computer science 100 class to explore different options that I may be able to stem out to in life later on.  I have always enjoyed computers and I knew coding was a focus in that class.  The first time I came into contact with coding was in grade 11 in a high school class.  We had to design a website for the class using HTML format and I enjoyed it.  I liked learning the tags and using W3schools I knew there was always more to learn.  In Computer Science 100 I came into contact with both Javascript and Cascade Style Sheets as well.
        When we discussed CodeAcademy in class I was already aware of it, but find it to be a simple and effective method for helping people learn code if they desire to.  It starts very basic and you have the ability to get as advanced as you would like to.  I have tried several things in CodeAcademy just to further my knowledge and hopefully help me in the future in my CS100 class.  

     The first thing they have you due is create your name which is separated by when you place your mouse over a specific area.  It was a fun and enjoy able way to start off because you see instant results. Though it doesn't explain the relationship between Javascript and HTML it would still be a way to get the students engaged.  I created my name and instead of using the circles they suggested I decided to use squares instead.  My recommendation would be to check out CodeAcademy on your free time and see what you can learn.  There is a video of the top coding gurus speaking out about the importance of coding that is also worth a watch and could potentially get students involved.


Thank you for taking time out of your day to view my blog!

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